Monday, October 27, 2008

Role Models

Celebrities are fascinating. Every time they step out of their house, we are updated on what they are wearing, who they are with, what they did, if they burped or cursed someone out, if their marriage is failing, if there is a hint of a baby bump, even if they did not put makeup on that day. They are just like us, do the same things we do, the only difference is that their lives are on public display, making the everyday things exciting and interesting. Since images and messages about celebrities are constantly thrown at us, naturally we become interested in them, and then develop favorites. Sometimes, celebrities become a role model to us. This usually takes place when we are kids, but it can impact us even as adults. We can admire qualities they have and want to imitate them. Or we can be somewhat shallow and want to imitate them for the sole reason that they are famous.

David Gauntlett explores the world of role models, focusing particularly on celebrity impact, defining a role model as " someone to look up to and someone to base your character, value or aspirations upon" (211). I had a couple role models growing up, they were usually the older kids in my youth group. But I know many friends that looked up to Britney Spears, the Spice Girls and Jessica Simpson. Today the popular role model for young girls is Miley Cirus. Are these celebrities good to look up to? Gauntlett explores the different types of role models:

The Straightforward sucess role model- had great sucesss in chosen field. Example: Brad Pitt

The Triumph over difficult circumstances role model- overcome adversity to achieve sucess. Example: Tiger Woods and Maya Angelous

The Challenging stereotypes role model: female action heroes. Example: Lara Croft

The Wholesome role model- great role model, but always the possibility that they can become an public disappointment. Example: Emma thompson...until she got pregnant out of wedlock.

The Outsider role model-rejected by mainstream- culture and defies social expectations. Example: Marilyn Manson

The Family role model- includes members of own family, as well as celebrity parents. Example: David and Victoria Beckham. Includes being negatvely defined by those who label certain parents as innappropriate role models. Example: lesbian couple
(all taken from pages 214-215)

Gauntlett then goes on to discuss one of the most powerful celebrity role model of our time- the Spice Girls. These six British women hit it big, not only in record sales but in the admiration of thousands of girls all over the world. The Spice Girls exemplified their motto of "Girl Power". Gauntlett talks about this phenomenon:

"Girl power concept was a celebration of self belief, independance and female friendship, and whilst cynics muttered that it was an empty ideology-sneering that its goals were only the right to shout "girl power" a lot-it nevertheless dud seem to be empowering for young girls. Pop music expert Shelia Whitely notes that the Spice Girls were a challenge to the dominance of lad culture and they introduced the language of independance to a willing audience of pre and teenage girls".

The Spice Girls showed girls how awesome it was to be a girl and those girls really bought it. I was in middle school during the time of the Spice Girls and they really were role models. They made being a girl fun and lived the ultimate girl life. They dressed in ridiculous fashion and were pretty ridiculous themselves but promoted messages that were healthy and self confidence boosting. I think that is why so many felt a connection with them. They showed girls everywhere how to appreciate and love who they were. Their impact was long lasting. Just last year, they did a reunion tour and so many friends of mine bought tickets and were so excited about it, proving that girl power and the love for the Spice Girls did not die when the band broke up.

Who are today's role models? Who are the celebrities that get looked up to? Who has the "Spice Girls" effect on girls today? Is it Miley Cirus? Is it the Highschool Musical crowd? Is it the PussyCat Dolls? Culture is so different than it was when I was in middle school. The Spice Girls were considered "sexy" but not even close to the level that the PussyCat Dolls are considered to be. The Spice Girls were more about fun, the Dolls are about sex. The Spice Girls did not have completely modest dress but the Dolls barely wear clothes. Do today's role models promote anything healthy? I think the Disney crowd tends to focus more on healthy messages than MTV stars. I would classify many of the Disney stars in the Wholesome Role Model category, but unfortunately many have fallen prey to negative images along the way. Nude online photos are not uncommon for that crowd. Is that a healthy role model for kids to have? Kids are the ones watching the Disney channel and they idolize the stars, so what happens when the "safe" star gets busted for racy photos or a DUI? Placing a celebrity in the category of role model is questionable and always has been. We worry about kids growing up too fast in today's society but when we look at who they idolize and imitate, is it any wonder we're having so many problems? I think someone needs to bring back the days of the Spice Girls...we all need a little more girl power in our lives.