Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ideologies and Power

Sucess. Wealth. Fame. Best looking significant other. College degree. Justin Timberlake. Disney Channel. Hamburgers. McDonalds. Ultimate Happiness.

When I thought of the American culture, the words above almost immediately popped into my head. But when I really stop to think about it, these characteristics can describe pieces of other cultures around the world. Why is that? Its because the American dream has spread to the farthest regions. People all over the world are trying to live up to the standard that Americans have set forth. Why are we not imitating European culture, or better yet, why don't cultures just stick with the traditions, customs and likes of its own land? America has become the dominant culture and with that, has spread our culture to the whole world. We uphold that our way of life and our dreams are the ones of true importance and everyone else should simply model their lives after ours. I have traveled to Mexico quite a few times on missions trips and have seen some of the poorest of the poor wearing the latest American fashion. They idolize us as Americans. Our church also frequently visits an orphanage in Haiti and before we arrive, we recieve letters begging for ipods, footballs and skateboards. One letter in particular mentioned that we should bring enough ipods for all the kids because we could afford it as rich Americans. Other parts of this world see America as a solely rich nation with everything and anything at our disposal. They also see us as happy because of all the stuff we have. Not everyone in America is happy. Not everyone in America is rich. Not everyone can achieve the American dream. I know I don't care to. I want to be enjoy my job, I want to get married and have a family, and I want to be financially stable. But I have seen people who have achieved the American dream and they are some of the most unhappy people I have ever met. Think about that. They have money, success, love and still they are unhappy. Hmm.

One of the best examples of this appeared on 60 minutes not too long ago. Tom Brady, quarterback of the New England Patriots, has acheived ultimate success. He is one of the best football players in the NFL, he has a beautiful girlfriend, more money than he needs and still, when he sat down with 60 minutes to do an inteview, he was questioning. “Why do I have three Super Bowl rings and still think there's something greater out there for me? I mean, maybe a lot of people would say, ‘Hey man, this is what is.’ I reached my goal, my dream, my life. Me, I think, ‘God, it's got to be more than this.’ I mean this isn't, this can't be what it's all cracked up to be.” What's the answer? “I wish I knew. I wish I knew,” says Brady. "I love playing football and I love being quarterback for this team. But at the same time, I think there are a lot of other parts about me that I’m trying to find. ("

Fulfill American dream. Check. Happiness? I'll let you know. The American culture is seen as the ultimate culture in the eyes of people in other countries and even this one. But is it really what its cracked up to be? I'll let you decide.

Don't get me wrong, I think America is a great country and I feel so blessed to live here. But sometimes I wonder if our priorities are skewed and if we should be taking a lesson from some of the less dominant countries/cultures.

If you want to see the interview or read the article you can find it here:

P.S. If you havent heard yet, Brady is out for the season and so it'll be interesting to hear what he says during this time off and once it is over. What happens when you have the American dream and its taken away in a matter of seconds?